Chip 1997 April
CHIP Nisan 1997.iso
Text File
239 lines
object Form3: TForm3
Left = 240
Top = 112
BorderStyle = bsDialog
Caption = 'Stop for a while'
ClientHeight = 242
ClientWidth = 384
Font.Color = clWindowText
Font.Height = -11
Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
Font.Style = []
FormStyle = fsStayOnTop
Position = poScreenCenter
OnClose = FormClose
OnCreate = FormCreate
PixelsPerInch = 96
TextHeight = 13
object Panel1: TPanel
Left = 0
Top = 0
Width = 384
Height = 242
Align = alClient
BevelInner = bvRaised
BevelOuter = bvLowered
BorderWidth = 3
Caption = 'Panel1'
TabOrder = 0
object Memo1: TMemo
Left = 5
Top = 5
Width = 374
Height = 232
TabStop = False
Align = alClient
Alignment = taCenter
BorderStyle = bsNone
Color = clBtnFace
Font.Color = clBlack
Font.Height = -11
Font.Name = 'Arial'
Font.Style = [fsBold]
Lines.Strings = (
'All files can be removed from where you decompressed them.'
'The menu, and its support files, are removed via '
'Add/Remove Programs in the Control Panel.'
'The menu is available now. So when you configure your menu, '
'test it immediately by right-clicking an icon on your desktop.'
'Good luck! ')
ParentFont = False
ReadOnly = True
TabOrder = 0
object Memo2: TMemo
Left = 8
Top = 174
Width = 369
Height = 33
BorderStyle = bsNone
Color = clBtnFace
Font.Color = clGreen
Font.Height = -11
Font.Name = 'Arial'
Font.Style = [fsBold]
Lines.Strings = (
' Please read through the help to get familiarized ' +
' '
' with items and enhancements. ')
ParentFont = False
TabOrder = 1
object Memo3: TMemo
Left = 7
Top = 18
Width = 369
Height = 25
Alignment = taCenter
BorderStyle = bsNone
Color = clBtnFace
Font.Color = clTeal
Font.Height = -16
Font.Name = 'Arial'
Font.Style = [fsBold]
Lines.Strings = (
'PowerDREAM v2.01c is installed, but please '
'read this:')
ParentFont = False
TabOrder = 2
object Button1: TButton
Left = 288
Top = 200
Width = 77
Height = 26
Caption = 'What'#39's New'
TabOrder = 3
OnClick = Button1Click
object Panel2: TPanel
Left = 40
Top = 47
Width = 305
Height = 3
BevelOuter = bvLowered
TabOrder = 5
object Memo4: TMemo
Left = 5
Top = 5
Width = 374
Height = 232
Align = alClient
BorderStyle = bsNone
Color = clBtnFace
Font.Color = clMaroon
Font.Height = -11
Font.Name = 'Comic Sans MS'
Font.Style = []
Lines.Strings = (
' New in this version:'
' * Online registration is finally ready. And in two guises:'
' You can register directly with HACE or you can choose to re' +
' through RegNet - which also accepts checks, cash and money '
' orders. They can also easily be reached by a phone-call or ' +
'fax. '
' * Some internal and cosmetic changes.'
' * A new property-sheet for the '#39'Add XXX'#39' items is added. (Reli' +
'eving '
' you from the mundane task of manually renaming all items ad' +
' * Implemented the possibility to save and load the current men' +
'u. '
' '#39'Current menu'#39' is the menu showing when you right-click on ' +
'an '
' icon, not the menu shown in the config-program - which migh' +
't be '
' different (unless you just clicked Apply). Also all current' +
' '
' properties will be saved.'
' * The '#39'Run/Open'#39' items won'#39't wrongfully display a preceding '#39'+' +
#39' '
' (since they always operate on the single file-object associ' +
'ated with '
' the menu-item).'
' New since v2.00...'
' Released this version because of a slight problem with two exis' +
'ting '
' items, but as a bonus you'#39'll find a total of 4 new items:'
' '
' Sent To items'
' Will send selected objects to the program associated wi' +
'th the '
' item.'
' Add Sent To '
' A convenient way to add a new Sent To item.'
' Browse Move'
' Will let you browse for the move-destination of your se' +
'lected '
' objects.'
' Browse Copy '
' Will let you browse for the copy-destination of your se' +
'lected '
' objects.'
' Read the help for a more detailed description of these items.'
' In addition:'
' * Does not "nag" as early and as often.'
' * A problem with Alternative Prompt wrongfully appearing gr' +
'ey is '
' fixed.'
' * The first New Extension item will now not wrongfully displ' +
'ay '
' the registration screen.'
' * Items that are not compatible with NT4 should now display ' +
'an '
' error box ( feedback on this please )'
' * Main config-window will now remember its position.'
' New since v2.01...'
' * Introduced a bug in that made the Move To and'
' Copy To items malfunction. Fixed.'
' * Will now inform those who install by .inf that they'#39're not'
' installing the correct way.'
' * A compatibility problem with MMM and Explorer+ should'
' be fixed.'
' '
' Have fun - and please register if you find this program useful' +
' - I '
' do need the money...'
' Thanx '
' Eirik')
ParentFont = False
ReadOnly = True
ScrollBars = ssVertical
TabOrder = 4
Visible = False